Squeaky Toys
If chewing (on) things is wrong, I don’t want to be right. —Danny Gordon Duff here. Remember Mr. Murphy? He did love His Squeaky Toys. He would play with Them. Toss Them up into the Air. Shake Them vigorously. If His Owner would pick up a Plaything to toss across the Room? Mr. Murphy was…
Read MorePlay in the Puddles
When life throws you a rainy day, play in the puddles. —Winnie the Pooh Duff here. Recently, it has been nothing but a series of Rainy Days. I mean lots of Rain. Coming down hard. The rain drops bounce as they land. Yes indeed. It was pounding that hard. Since I am nearer to the…
Read MoreLearn By Playing
Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning. —Diane Ackerman Duff here. After I got Groomed earlier in the week, I was feeling Frisky. Now Some may think that’s an Old-Fashioned term, but It fit My Mood perfectly. Mom and I got back to the office. And I picked up My Toy. And began to…
Read MoreAdventures With Sprinklers
Duff here. The scenario: We got to work. Mom was busily pulling Things out of The Car, letting Me do My Thing. I went to One End of the parking lot to reinforce My Territorial Markings. One can never be too sure, You know. Mom then noticed Me briskly trotting to Our neighbor’s Place. Such…
Read MoreDancing With Mom
Duff here. Mom and I have a lot of Fun and Frivolity. Every day, there’s Something new. The other morning, We were doing Our Regular Routine before Work. Our walks. Then Mom grooms Me. Then Herself. (I think She’s fine as She is, but She likes some Sparkle and Shine.) And the rest of the…
Read MoreA Walk in the Sunshine
Duff here. Sometimes, Mom gets wound up Working on the Computer. She stands in front of It (or sits, as the case may Be), and hunts-and-pecks away. She’s a four Finger typist, so Speed is not Her forte. And She loses track of time! Hours can go By, and She’s still plunking away. Beautiful Spring…
Read MorePlaying in the Snow
Snowmen fall from heaven . . . unassembled. —Unknown Duff here. Don’t know about You, but I’m still delighting in remnants of The Big Snow. I run. I play. I whirl in a Ditch. I got Away from Mom once. Notice it was Only Once. When She found Me, I was in a Snow Drift…
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