Valentine, Be Mine

Dogs teach us many important things, the most important being unconditional love. —Leila Grandemange Dear Gentle Reader, Lil’ Toot here. I’ve been told Some people don’t have a Valentine for that Special day. Consider that issue remedied: I’ll be Your Valentine. Will You Be Mine? Happy Valentine’s Day to You! Tail wags and Puppy licks…

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Educating Amelia

Lil’ Toot here. Aunt Matilda was so proud of Her daughter, Amelia. Smart as a Whip, She quickly learned the ins and Outs of being a Dog. Sit. Fetch. Stay. Roll over. Play dead. Amelia was the Best. Living unstuck. But Their favorite Moments? When My Aunt read to the Little One. There were questions…

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Blast of Snow

I could probably head back inside, but why would I? —Pinterest Lil’ Toot here. I am a Curious Little Man and revel in Adventuring. This morning, I smelled a pungent odor coming from the culvert. Mom had to pull Me away from My friend, Ms. Skunk. But . . . Mom! Living unstuck. Last week,…

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Credit: Wing Chun Boxing Academy Lil’ Toot here. I was talking with Cousin Margot the other day. Like Me, She is from the Height Impaired Side of the Family. With a smooth coat and golden Tan color, She is glamorous in Her own right. Playful is Her middle Name, for She loves to chase Balls…

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Saying Goodbye

You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing. —E.B. White (Charlotte’s Web) Lil’ Toot here. Thanks to so many Friends and Mom, I have a Toy Box full of playthings. At home, some are the Green Ball, complete with a cord. The Squeaking Donut. Mr. Froggie and Mr. Worm. At work?…

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From Despair to Delight

Lil’ Toot here. Throughout the day, I am active. Busy. Constantly moving. Enjoying every Minute of My Puppyhood. I keep Mom on Her toes. So much Energy. So She did a pre-emptive Strike before I turned into a Terrible Teen, and called for Back-Up Support. Living unstuck. With that in mind, She gently places Me…

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Kick Start Your New Year

What are you going to do right now to be sure you have the best year ever? Looking at your life, what’s the one thing that will make the difference between actually achieving your goals or ending up at year’s end with a handful of unfulfilled dreams? Inspired or deflated by the prospect of the…

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