Duff’s Thought for the Day
Happy Labor Day Weekend
Duff here. It’s Labor Day weekend! Let’s celebrate the unofficial end of summer with a big send-off. Grilled ribs. Hamburgers with all the Trimmings. And potato Salad. How about Corn on the Cob? Bacon-wrapped Hot Dogs. Sliders. Macaroni salad. Peach cobbler. Don’t forget the Doritos! Living unstuck. Wishing You and Yours the most fun Ever!…
Read MoreProcrastination and Roadblocks
Be thankful for confusion, procrastination, and roadblocks. They protect you from people and places that aren’t meant for you. —Sid P. Jani Duff here. More often than not, I am Confused in My World. Where do I go now? Where is Mom? Is it time for a Treat? For a walk? The other Day, Mom…
Read MorePlay in the Puddles
When life throws you a rainy day, play in the puddles. —Winnie the Pooh Duff here. Recently, it has been nothing but a series of Rainy Days. I mean lots of Rain. Coming down hard. The rain drops bounce as they land. Yes indeed. It was pounding that hard. Since I am nearer to the…
Read MoreSleep Like a Baby
People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one. —findyourmomtribe.com Duff here. Among other things, Mom calls Me Duff. Or Mac Duff. Usually It’s The Duff, which to Me is a term of Royalty. (I am Kingly, don’t You agree?) Sometimes, it’s Little Baby Duffer Dog. Other Friends call Me Duf Duf.…
Read MoreA Special Birthday
Happy birthday to Me! —The Duff, Himself The best part about (My) birthday is that (I) always end up getting good food and great cake. —Wishafriend.com Duff here. Tomorrow is My 14th birthday! And what a wonderful celebration Mom has planned for Me. I will have Special Walks. And lots of Petting and Pampering. Cooing…
Read MoreDetermined Pooch!
Rejection doesn’t mean you weren’t good enough; it means the other person failed to notice what you have to offer. —kushandwizdom.tumblr.com Duff here. My Role Model, Mr. Snoopy, is also a Writer. He has entertaining Takes on His Life, usually involving Lucy, Schroeder, Linus, and Charlie Brown. He and His Sidekick, Woodstock, have the best…
Read MoreFill Your Laughter Quotient
Nothing is worth more than laughter. —Frida Kahlo Duff here. Laughter is indeed the Best Medicine. I listened to Mom chat with A Friend of Hers today. And so much Laughter! As They swapped Stories and Told Lies? Giggles. As They reminisced with Anecdotes of Bygone Days? Chortles! As They looked forward to the Future?…
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