The Friendliest Person I’ve Never Met

Duff here. As Mom and I saunter about, She often waves at Cars as They Pass by. Sometimes the Drivers wave back and smile. Some look straight ahead. When it was the Dark of Winter, One would blink Their Headlights as They passed by. The highlight? A delightful Police officer, who would flash the Red…

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Not Alone

One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone. —Shannon Adler Duff here. Alone? Not me. Mom takes Me most everywhere She goes: to the grocery store (I guard the Car), to Work (I’m the Canine Executive Officer), out on walks (I keep…

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Recovering From a Bad Dream

Duff here. It was about 2:30 a.m. and I was having a Bad Dream. Thrashing about in my Carrier, aka My Safe Place. Just having an Awful Time. Mom woke with a Start when She heard my yips. She moved quickly out of Her bed and gathered up a Flashlight. When She opened My Door,…

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Who’s Your Unsung Hero?

Unsung heroes are all around us. Nurses, doctors and a vast array of medical professionals. Emergency Medical Technicians. Workers in our local grocery stores, and the people who stock products and produce. The cheerful cashier at the gas station. The friendly teller at the bank. And the list goes on and on. Which got me…

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A best friend is someone who loves you when you forget to love yourself. —Unknown Duff here. Arizona is opening again . . . slowly. From what I observed, this had been a Trying Time for Many folks. Couldn’t get out and go Places. Do things They usually did. And I personally think They had…

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Pickup Time at Doggy Day Camp

Duff here. I had an Adventure I simply must Share with You. After a big storm, Mom came to pick Me up at Doggy Day Camp. It had snowed, then melted. In My part of the World, Roads turn to Sticky Mud. When I run through It, My Paws make a sucking sound. The marks…

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Friends in High Places

Duff here. I had an exciting Adventure the other Day. I was leaving My office and there was a Big White Truck in the parking lot. You may remember: My Very good Friends had that same type of Vehicle in My previous Escapades. And I went All out in Greeting. I circled the truck, barking…

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