Pick Your Battles
Pick your battles. You don’t have to show up to every argument you’re invited to. — Duff here. Mom says I learn Different things every day. Ways to run in the Meadow next door. A different Way to Enjoy My meals. (I drag it all over the Front Room. Discretely, of course.) An unusual method…
Read MoreForecast Dependent
Duff here. Mom checks the weather Forecast every morning. Like clockwork, She dials it up on Her Gizmo Phone and checks the wind. The temperature. Then flips over to the Short Summary. The other day there was no wind and the temp was mild. But the forecast? 50% chance of rain or snow. Heavens! I…
Read MoreUnexpected Gifts While in the Hallway
On my daily walk, I notice a sign. “Slow Down, 15.” A sharp turn in the road ahead. And I got to thinking: that sign describes my life right now. In mid-March, the world as I knew it slowed down and came to a standstill. The Stay-At-Home order was in place. Restaurant seating shut down.…
Read MoreSmooth Sailing and Eddies
As I go on my morning walk, I pass a ditch. Small trees and shrubs line its path. Weeds and flowers are abundant. Sometimes it is filled with water to the brim, hustling along to a large culvert at the end of the road. It burbles and bubbles as it travels, paying no mind to…
Read MoreAre You a Now Person?
Recently, a good friend of mine was involved in a severe car accident. When the other driver hit her head on, her entire world changed. She has a large garden. Fruit trees that need pruning. A thriving greenhouse right off her front entry, filled with soothing plants and spring growth that require loving care. A…
Read MoreNo Whining
Complaining about a problem without posing a solution is called whining. —President Theodore Roosevelt Duff here. I found this Quote quite interesting. And Amusing. I am not a Whiner, for My world is too full of Things to Explore and People to Meet. If I run up against a Problem, I not only Pose a…
Read MoreMaintaining Your Road
So many signs along the road as I go for my morning walk! Some are about upcoming events (Dance! Friday night!). Others to locate a lost pet, complete with picture, description and contact number. Then, there are road signs. Dead End. No Right Turn on Red. School Zone. But the one that intrigued me was:…
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