Mood Music?

Your day is jam-packed. You started the morning with your usual routine. Then life began to speed up. Three interruptions popped in before you headed out the door. The dog needs to go outside to take care of business. You glance at the time and realize you’re late for your doctor’s appointment. Time to shift…

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Duff here. Uncle Rupert liked His Food. Yes, He did. Those edibles were both captivating and Mouthwatering. He would look longingly at His Owner’s Meal, smelling the aromas and Imagining the Taste. However, He was not offered any Tidbits. No, indeed. It was dry kibble for Him, to keep His body svelte and His Energy…

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5 Tips to De-Stress

  Okay, you’re stressed. To the max. Seems wherever you turn, that gooey, messy feeling seeps into your life. The world has turned upside down. New normal? You’ve got to be kidding! What would happen if you take that massive mountain of stress and discomfort, and turn it into little hills. Much more manageable, isn’t…

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You Are Enough

Duff here. So many of My Clients worry about Not Being Enough. Not good enough. Not Smart enough. No College Education. Not enough money. The House? Not Fashionable enough. They continue to Compare Themselves to Impossible Standards. And They are not very Happy. In fact, They are downright Miserable. Not living unstuck. I teach Them…

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Same Old Problems? Fresh Perspectives!

Sometimes you feel like the same problems keep knocking at your door over and over . . . and over again. How to fit in everything you need to do in the day. Being shocked awake by an insistent alarm clock. Poor communication with other people. Procrastination. Friends that don’t understand (or ignore) your boundaries.…

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Triggers? Or Glimmers

Yesterday, I was sweeping leaves off the porch against the wind. As I swung the broom, some leaves would move ahead, while others, pushed by the wind, fell back. The dirt would scoot along, but leave a smudge of dust in its trail. And I was thinking how like glimmers and triggers this was. The…

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Shift Your Perspective

You text him, he doesn’t text back. He was obviously so excited that you texted that he fainted. —Yo World Forums Duff here. January can be dreary. And Dull. Grey skies. Cold. More cold. The resolutions You made so Courageously on the first of the Month? Long gone. Life is boring. Nothing to do. Creative…

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