I Have Your Back

Duff here. My Friend, Snoopy, is the Troop Leader for Woodstock and His Clan. That Position can be quite a Challenge. He has the Entertaining Part down pat. He sings and tells Bird Jokes, which They all love. Height is a big advantage. He is able to See Far Away, while His little Feathered Friends…

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My New Friends

Every new friend is a new adventure . . . The start of new memories. —Patrick Lindsay Duff here. As in the Way of Life, I’m getting Older by the day. So, Mom found another Doggy Day Camp that is helpful to Small Canines. This place has a vast back Yard. (Well, at least to…

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Good Friends

Duff here. Snoopy of Peanuts fame is a Good Friend of Mine. Along with being an Adventurous sort of fellow, He is curious about Everyone He meets. What’s Their favorite hobby? Where is Their Best vacation Haunt? What flavor of Dog food is the Hands-Down Yummy Choice? What do They do for Fun? Would They…

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Mom’s 100-Yard Dash

Duff here. The other day, Mom was at the Safeway shopping center. She spied a Friend driving Her gorgeous Truck, and being Friendly, began to Wave. Her Friend was busy driving (Good idea, but no Help to Mom,) and kept on moving. As You know, if Nothing else, Mom is determined. She continued to wave,…

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The Tornado Warning

Duff here. The other Day, My Town had a Tornado warning. I live in the high Desert of Arizona, so this was quite Unusual. My clue as to what was Happening? While at work, Mom’s cell phone gave off a Loud Screeching Noise. Once, twice, three times. I moved closer to Mom, for She’s My…

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Happy Together

Duff here. Every year, Mom updates Her Education to be in good Standing with Her Hypnotherapy Associations. She loves to learn new Things, often trying Them out on Me, the Willing Subject. I even pick up the change in Words when Mom brings a Client out of the Deep Relaxation. I rise, and shake Myself…

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Invisible Friends

Duff here. I have many Friends. Some are out patrolling Their yards, barking away. I pass by with nary a Look. No need to stir up the Waters. (I do the same guard-and-protect around My Place, so I understand Their Motives.) Other Pals are on the street. We do a lot of tail wagging and…

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