I Got Snipped!
I didn’t know I was broken, but my nice owner (took) me to get fixed.
—Jonny Hawkins
Lil’ Toot here. Last week, Mom packed Me up for a Surprising Adventure. We rolled out even earlier than O’Dark 30. She spirited Me to the Jeep without My Breakfast or Water. An Ominous Sign. But trusting Mom, I was happy to Sleep once again. The Ride was long, so I thought I was going to My Birthplace to play with other Puppies. Little did I know . . . Living unstuck.
When We arrived, Mom handed Me to the Kind Veterinarian. I began to shake. (This Lady gives shots.) Sure enough, another Shot. Quickly falling asleep, I woke to caged Canines all around Me. When Mom picked Me up, I was minus some of My Parts! I warbled non-stop all about It on the Way Home. Not living unstuck.
I wonder: Have You been snookered into Something where You had no say? Or are You always in Charge? I say: Beware. If a Trusted Someone takes You for an early Morning Ride? Track Your Parts. You, too, could end up in a Diaper to recover. Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#snipped