Little Thoughts From Little Toot
Bone-Chilling Cold
Not bossy. Just aggressively helpful. —PrintFactoryApparel, Etsy Lil’ Toot here. Every morning, Mom checks the Weather to see how warm or Cold it is outside. Lately, She looks on Her phone and says to Herself, “That’s good enough.” Or “We won’t be out long.” And off We go. But It has been downright Cold. Frigid.…
Read MoreEvery Single Morsel
When I finish eating something, I have to show my hands to my dog like I’m a blackjack dealer. —Stupell Industries Lil’ Toot here. I’m a Growing Puppy. So I’m like a hungry Tiger when It comes to mealtimes. Snack Times. Treats. I also specialize in Anything Foodwise that drops on the Floor. I especially…
Read MorePlay Fetch?
Dogs are the four-legged superheroes who teach us that love, loyalty, and a good game of fetch can solve anything. —Pawsome Prints by Lila & Milo Lil’ Toot here. Up to a point, Great Uncle Griego loved to play Fetch. He was prepared to bring Back Anything. But when his Master tossed the Stick into…
Read MoreJust Because You Won’t . . .
If the dog clearly shows motivation and is searching for the correct answer, more intensity in the aversive is not useful. —Ivan Balabanov Lil’ Toot here. You already know how Enthused I am to trundle out for a walk on Cold, Dark Mornings. Not! I mean, it’s okay to go and Take care of My…
Read MoreTime to Romp
I’ll just keep staring at you until you do the thing I want. —Pinterest Lil’ Toot here. Cousin Mabel was a Kind and Gentle Soul. She also loved to Play. Any time, at any place. One of Her fav Toys was Lamb Chop. With Lambie’s white fluffy fur, It was easy to take Those Ears…
Read MoreDinner Time!
A dog’s life is made up of two key moments: the moment they see their food bowl coming, and the moment they realize it’s not coming soon enough. —Anonymous Lil’ Toot here. Uncle Edgar was a stickler for Punctuality. Like many Canines, His Schedule was exacting. Dinner was at This Time . . . Period.…
Read MoreAmbassador of Happiness
Whoever is happy will make others happy too. —Anne Frank Lil’ Toot here. I am a Happy Puppy. I greet Everyone with Enthusiasm and Joy. I dance on My Hind Legs and warble with Delight. If My Clients choose to gather Me up? I liberally hand out Kisses and wiggle all over. People have asked…
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