A Devilish Escape

If you don’t listen, you’ve gotta feel (and learn). —Pam Heskett’s Grandma Snoop here. My Doggy Mom and Dad were rummaging about in the Storage Unit. They discovered Amazing Treasures. Old albums. A spare set of Sheets. Mom’s bike Helmet. Boxes of Books. Exotic lamps and tables. What fun . . . for Them. Living…

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The Correct Way

Dogs have masters. Cats have staff. But I think my dog has a union. —Unknown Snoop here. I’ll admit it. I was spoiled throughout My Life. I weighed all of about Five Pounds. Being height Impaired, it was often easier to pick Me up and carry Me than to have Me Walk. Fine with Me,…

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Yay! Homework! – no student ever. —The Type Set Co. Snoop here. Uncle Casper was a superb Canine. He did so much that was Good and Kind. He greeted His Master at the Door. He let the Grandkids pull His Ears. His Tail. He gave Them rides on His Back. They Could play fetch with…

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Aunt Edna, The Jokester

Good timing is invisible. Bad timing sticks out like a mile. —Tony Carnido Snoop here. Telling jokes was not My Strong Suit. But My Aunt Edna? She was absolutely hysterical. When She rolled out a Set Up, She did so with a Straight Face. Her Presence was twinkly-eyed. But when She delivered the Punch Line,…

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Who’s More Important?

I do not consider my dog a pet. My dog is family. —Redbubble.VikGen Snoop here. Uncle Harry and Aunt Harriet had the run of the House. (That I would be so lucky.) They dictated when Mealtime came up, for They emphatically told Her when They were Hungry. The Whimpers at the Door were Pathetically Effective…

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What Medication?

Bandit to us when he refused to take his medication (just staring at them): so his owner said to put it in a turkey sandwich and he just used (it) as a pillow. —Lucy Notariantonio Snoop here. Great-Great Uncle Werner was a Highly trained Professional. He had traveled the world as a Drug Sniffing Canine,…

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Boundless Energy

The dog is the god of frolic. —Henry Ward Beecher Snoop here. Great Cousin Rob was a Young Pup when He found His calling. Actually, it wasn’t all that hard to Do, for He was a Border Collie. Typical of His Family’s Genes, He had endless Energy, and could Romp and Play all day long.…

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