Stir the Pot
I like stirring the pot – I think it is part of my duty to shake people up a bit – make them look at things in a different way.
—Nina Bawden

Credit: Wing Chun Boxing Academy
Snoop here. Ever walk into a Party that was Boring? People quietly discussing the daily Goings-On. What Uncle Arthur did at Work. How Cousin Tommy hit a Home Run and broke the Johnson’s plate glass window. Where They were headed on Their Next Vacay. Fun for Them, but not a Festive Atmosphere. Living unstuck?
Cousin Agnes decided to liven Up the Group and wondered Who could help. Aunt Agatha to the Rescue. Once Agatha stepped through the Door, it was . . . Let The Party Begin! Conversation bubbled. Laughter started to ripple through the Gathering. Folks began to come together in Harmony. All from Aunt Agnes stirring the Pot. Living unstuck.
How about You? Do You like to Stir the Pot at Gatherings? Or prefer the Status Quo? I say: Shake Things Up every so often. It jazzes Life up and makes for Great Memories. Everyone will thank You, and You won’t regret It. Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#stir-the-pot