Stress Reduction 101

Duff here. Stress can get the Best of Us, especially at This Time of year. I can sense People’s energy as They Hurry and Scurry about. They want to make This Time the Most Fabulous of all. Plans for a Huge Spread at Thanksgiving? On the Menu. Even though They may not really know Their way around a Kitchen, Some are even talking about creating homemade rolls and Pumpkin Pie. Oh dear! Not advisable. One year, Mom baked some Rye Bread from scratch. Then shellacked it for use as a Door Stop. Yep, it was that dense. Not living unstuck.

Recently, a Friend of Ours was not feeling Well. As She talked over Her Plight with Her Physician, the diagnosis was made. Her Stress Level was high. Into the Lab She went. And there was Aunt Gertrude. Kindly, gentle. And a True Tail Wagger. (We Canines have that Happiness Effect on People, You know.) After a few treatments, Our Friend felt right as Rain. She lowered Her Expectations and had Much more Fun. Living unstuck.

How about You? Do You have a Tail Wagger (or Friendly Kitty) at Home? Or are You slogging along on Your Own? I say: Spend some Time with Your Own Aunt Gertrude. Or visit a Friend’s Furry Creature. You could even walk The Dogs at the Animal Shelter. Your Stress will be gone! I guarantee It. Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#stress-reduction

If stress burned calories, I would be a supermodel.


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