Still Love Me?

You can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars.

—Gary Allen

Lil’ Toot here. Aunt Schwartzie was upset. Kinda angry, with a touch of Jealousy in the Mix too. She had been the Model German Shepherd, Guarding the Family. She could Play with the Little Littles while doing Tug-of-War with Her Master. All in good-natured Humor, that was Her. Living unstuck.

In that spirit, She had a Wee bit—let’s say a lot—of Jealousy creep in when She saw Her Master petting the Neighbor’s dog. He was even Smiling. Not acceptable. Schwartzie was clear when stating Her needs. The question behind the question: “Do you still love me?” Many hugs and Ear rubs followed. Ah, reassurance. Living unstuck.

I wonder: If You feel that Green Monster sliding in, do You freeze Up? Or do You ask what’s up? I say: A Direct Ask will save angst and heartache. I have personally not experienced that Emotion, for I am supremely Confident. I am loved. No doubt about it. Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#jealousy

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