Rivalry Weekend!

The dust has settled on Rivalry Weekend for yet another year. These college games are usually played late in November, and often a season hangs in the balance. Prized bowl games are close behind. College football fans of both sides of a rivalry crave victory beyond anything else. A win gives bragging rights for 365 days, a time to revel in what went right and how it will surely be that way next year. But a loss means a full year of misery from friends, co-workers and even family members. It’s almost enough to make someone want to stand on the corner and cry. Time to live unstuck.

One of the more prominent rivalries, Minnesota-Wisconsin, started in 1890 and continues to this day. The winner takes home the prized Paul Bunyan Axe. And with no major professional sports team in the area, the Alabama-Auburn Iron Bowl is close to a religion. If there are fans on opposite sides, friendships are put on hold for the day. Georgia-Georgia Tech: you know it’s a good rivalry when the book about the series is called Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate. Then there’s Arizona-Arizona State, competing for the famed Territorial Cup.

On a much lesser level, I am a puddle jumper, working to complete my 10,000 steps a day. I am up early to get a jump on it, for using willpower to force myself out the door to walk after work is not majorly successful. The Duff used to go with me, but he is getting older. Now, I take him for a short walk. After he is tucked in once again, my flashlight and I are off!

When I first started this regimen, I needed a push to have an unstuck perspective. Fortunately, a friend of mine had also latched onto this program. I’ll never forget texting her one night to let her know I had just finished my allotted steps. I also asked how she was coming along. Her response was priceless. “I have 500 steps to go, and am running up and down the hallway.” Now that’s living unstuck!

Do you have an amiable rivalry with friends? Perhaps it’s a video game. Or a walk with a group. Have fun and live unstuck. #Unstuck Living #friendly rivalry

Somehow, people act like I have no competition.

But the thing is, the competition is so good that it forces me

to be better than I ever thought possible.

—Ronda Rousey

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