
Credit: Wing Chun Boxing Academy
Lil’ Toot here. I was talking with Cousin Margot the other day. Like Me, She is from the Height Impaired Side of the Family. With a smooth coat and golden Tan color, She is glamorous in Her own right. Playful is Her middle Name, for She loves to chase Balls and Play Tugga-Tugga with a rope. Living unstuck.
But when it comes to Mischief, She is the Queen Bee. She has chewed through wires. Me too, for that trait runs in the Tribe. She slips under Sofas, and destroys the underpinnings. You could tell Trouble was coming from the Look on Her Face. Living unstuck.
How about You? Do You look Scampish when You’re going to prank Someone? Or can You keep a Straight Face? I say: Look a Little Devilish. You’ll be more lovable and Easier to forgive. That’s been My experience. Smile. Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#mischief
We all want to be a little glamorous, a little playful, and a little mischievous at times.
—Jason Wu