Just Take the First Step
Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
—Martin Luther King, Jr.
Duff here. As I reflect on this New Year, I realize how Many Goals I have in mind. Get more exercise (Move Mom here and There on those Mountain Paths.) Eat more slowly (as if that’s Going to Happen). Enjoy more Sun Bathing (I like This one). The beautiful part about These Goals is once They are Set, I begin with The First Step. That’s all it takes. One Step and I’m on my way to living unstuck.
Mom tends to complicate the Matter. She began to Goal Plan two Weeks ago. That’s a long Time in My Dog World. Fussing and detailing, Refining and redoing. Finally, the Finished product was at hand. As I watched, She began to Deflate, weighed down by All of This Future Work. I did What I am Designed to Do: I hopped up into Her Lap and Curled up. I could feel Her smile as She covered me with some Bedding (We have lots of that!) as I warmed Up for it was Cold Outside. I could also Sense She was revamping What She had Done to Herself. Result? The List was Reorganized into Levels, starting with that Most Important First Step. Now that’s living unstuck.
How about You? Are You in a Goal Setting Mode? Or just ready to let The year Fly by? I say: Take the Time to Look at Where You’d like to be at Year’s conclusion. Set Up a few Endings. Then Start with that First Step. You’ll be well Rewarded! Me? Well, I’m on My Way to Sunbathe. Live unstuck. #unstuckliving#goalsforthenewyear