
Duff here. You know from My Previous Post that Mom stitched up some Face Masks. (And We are all grateful that learning Curve is past.) But You don’t know The rest of the Story. And I will share that With You, Loyal Reader.
She tried on the Covering, then Turned around to show Me Her handiwork. I couldn’t believe it! Where did My Mom go? She was there a Moment before. But now, She was Gone. A Weird Creature had stepped into the Room. I turned My Head and looked away. Then took a Quick Peek to see if She had returned. Nope. This Strange Thing was still there. I turned to the other Side. Then another speedy Glance. No Mom. At this Point, Mom laughed and took off that Contraption. There She was: Mom was back! We were living unstuck.
She knelt Down and I sniffed the Gizmo. It smelled like Her, all right. And was a Curious Shape. But When She wore it, She was Scary and Incognito to Me at first. I watched her put it On again. And then She spoke. Silly Me. That was Mom all along! Living unstuck again.
How about You? Have You experienced a Sleight of Hand as This before? Or Does Your life rock along Smoothly? I say: If You do come across a Bump, Take Your Courage in hand. Â Carefully check It Out. Give it some Time, for it Might turn out to be something very Familiar and Dear to You. You never know. Live unstuck. #unstuck-living#courage
Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we can fear less.
—Madame Marie Curie