Little Thoughts From Little Toot
Wanna Play?
Some days are simply meant for playing. —Maty.Ann.Radmacher Lil’ Toot here. Being a Puppy is Pure Delight . . . all the Time. I play. I eat. I Sleep and Nap. Repeat. I go Walka Walka (Mom’s term.) I cuddle with My Clients. I have Two Sets of Toys, One at Home and the Other…
Read MoreExplosive Surprises!
Explosions are not comfortable. —Yevgeny Zamyatin Lil’ Toot here. My Distant Cousin Horatio was the adventurous Type. He came from the Explorer Branch of the Family. Word is He was put on a Train as a Piece of Luggage, and traveled Cross Country on the Railroad’s dime. He lived in style as Conductors and Porters…
Read MoreRescue Animals
A bond with a true dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth will ever be. —Konrad Lorenz Lil’ Toot here. Did You know Rescue Animals have Special Qualities? Once, a Little Part Chihuahua-Part Pekinese sent out a psychic Plea from His adoptive kennel to His Unknowing Owner. After picking up a brand-new…
Read MoreTraining Mom
My dog is not a picky eater; he just has discerning taste. Unknown Lil’ Toot here. Uncle Oswald was an Excellent Trainer. He taught other Dogs how to dig under Fences. To let Their Owners know when It’s time to go to Bed. To urgently inform Them on when to Go Outside for Important Business.…
Read MoreOutside the Box
Creative play is like a spring that bubbles up from deep within a child (or a puppy). —Joan Alman Lil’ Toot here. I have discovered the most Interesting Toys. Of course, there are Puppy Toys Mom has picked Up for Me. And Delightful Squeaky Toys Other Friends have gifted Me. I even have Some to…
Read MoreFun Times
Action absorbs anxiety. —Dan Harris Lil’ Toot here. As Unstuck Living’s Official Canine Executive Officer, I have noticed a trend in My Clients. Of course, when They meet me? They claim all They need is Puppy Therapy. And I would agree. I Cuddle with the Best of Them. Living unstuck. But right now, Anxiety seems…
Read MoreMy Secret Identity
Even the tiniest Poodle or Chihuahua is still a wolf at heart. —Dorothy Hinshaw Little Toot here. Mom was getting ready for Work. And made the Horrible Mistake of putting Me in My Playpen. Even though I had toys, food, and a place to lie down? Cruel and Unusual Punishment. I protested mightily, as only…
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