Aunt Edna, The Jokester

Good timing is invisible. Bad timing sticks out like a mile.

—Tony Carnido

Snoop here. Telling jokes was not My Strong Suit. But My Aunt Edna? She was absolutely hysterical. When She rolled out a Set Up, She did so with a Straight Face. Her Presence was twinkly-eyed. But when She delivered the Punch Line, She had a gentle Smile on Her Face. Couldn’t top that. Living unstuck.

Uncle Sy was Her Straight Man. After the punch line, He would roll His Eyes and sigh ever so slightly like the Comedians in Olden Days. In this case, Edna was laughing about Diets and such. No lightweight matter for My uncle. Much to His dismay, Sy was on a strict Eating Plan. Phooey! (I think She told that Joke on Purpose.) Living unstuck.

How about You? Can You tell jokes with the best of The Bunch? Or are You an Appreciator? I say: Practice the Jokes. Mom is still working on Them, honing down the Story, and tickling the Listener’s Fancy at the end. She’s getting better . . . Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#delivering-jokes

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