Who’s the Boss?

Lil’ Toot here. Great Uncle Maximus was a Good Sized Lad with a Strong Sense of Fairness. He weighed in at 150 plus pounds, and Very Few People questioned His Decisions. You might say he threw His weight around as Needed. Living unstuck.

When His Owners dared to leave, He would often destroy Things in His Home. The Sofa. A throw Pillow or two. Toys were Child’s Play to Him. Once, He demolished Kitchen Utensils, but drew the line at the Steel Potato Masher. Then Like the head Honcho He was, calmly watched as His Owner cleaned up the Debris. He was the Commander of His Realm for Sure. Living unstuck.

I wonder: Are You in charge of Your Place? Or are Others? I say: Be in Charge and Let others Clean Up. Mom cleans up after Me, for I’m a pro at Pulverizing. Works for Me. Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#boss-man

Not bossy. Just aggressively helpful.

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