Who’s More Important?

I do not consider my dog a pet.
My dog is family.


Snoop here. Uncle Harry and Aunt Harriet had the run of the House. (That I would be so lucky.) They dictated when Mealtime came up, for They emphatically told Her when They were Hungry. The Whimpers at the Door were Pathetically Effective when They needed to go outside. Bedtime? They would charge into the Bedroom and launch Themselves toward the Bed. Spoiled? Oh yes! Living unstuck.

Their Mistress had many Friends who would not even allow Pets to be on the Sofa. At first, The Mistress disagreed with that perspective. But I suspect the last Straw came when Harry and Harriet took over the Sofa. None of this sharing Business. Total takeover and Dominance. What a strategy. Living unstuck.

How about You? Do You believe your Pets belong on the Floor? Or do You comfortably give Them a place to Relax? I say: Do share. Please. They are Indeed family. Being so small, My Lot in Life was to be cuddled in a Lap. Not bad, but I seldom got the Sofa experience. Sigh. Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#inportance

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