What Medication?

Bandit to us when he refused to take his medication (just staring at them): so his owner said to put it in a turkey sandwich and he just used (it) as a pillow.

—Lucy Notariantonio

Snoop here. Great-Great Uncle Werner was a Highly trained Professional. He had traveled the world as a Drug Sniffing Canine, garnering many awards and Commendations for His work. He was quite handsome, with a dark Muzzle and a Luxurious Coat. He lived like a King. Living unstuck.

One time, He was under the weather. The Veterinarian prescribed a Special medicine for this Multi Decorated Pooch. The challenge? To get Him to take it. I’m unsure how this Story ended, But I do know He was smarter than His owners. (Smile.) Living unstuck.

How about You? Do You take Medications easily? Or do You have issues getting them down Your Gullet? I say: Hogwash! When You deliberate about taking a Pill, that simply prolongs Your Anxiety. Down the Hatch quickly. There’s probably a Treat for You after. Oh yes! Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#taking-a-pill

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