
An open door is a welcome that makes a stranger into a friend.

—Almy Salita

Snoop here. Welcome to the next Chapter! Some of You may already know Me, but just in case, allow Me to introduce Myself. My name is Snoop Doggy Dog, and I was the Canine Executive Officer before MacDuff. He graciously accepted My offer to share tales, Antics, and perspectives with You, much as He did. Entertaining indeed! Being a Toy Fox Terrier, My view of the World is from six inches off the Ground. I weighed in at a whopping Five (or Six) pounds, just right to be picked up and Cuddled. Like The Duff, I was the Runt of the Litter and a Very Small Canine. Living unstuck.

Before You get the wrong idea, though, I could be Ferocious, defending Mom with the Best of Them. I have an Attitude and Opinion about almost everything, including large Canines, mice, Kitties, and everything in Between. I have had exciting Adventures I can hardly wait to Share with You. Specializing in People, I have been amazed at what a little Loving Up can do for Them. You’d be surprised. I sure was. Living unstuck.

How about You? Do You easily welcome new Friends? Or does It take a while to warm Up? I say: Go for it! Let’s be Friends from the get-go. There are Stories to share. Places to go. People to meet. I have a Very Open Heart for such a Small Dog. Let’s be Friends! Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#friendship

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