Quickly Mended Friendships

Snoop here. So many stories to share . . . Let Me pick a good One. But They’re all good, according to Me. Mom, Dad, and I were traveling down a smooth road in Baja California. We eventually came to the Roundabout between Baja Norte and Baja Sur. My Folks were chatting away, not paying attention, and suddenly came to the Checkpoint between the Two for the Second Time. Uh oh. Not living unstuck.

A very Stern Lieutenant came out to talk with Us. I was on Mom’s lap when He spotted Me. He began to smile and It looked like all was well. Quickly He realized He was an Authority Figure and scowled again. Mom asked if He wanted to hold Me. He melted and held Me close for a Time, talking gently. When He handed Me back, My White Fur was all over the front of His Uniform. Oh dear. Mom quickly hopped out with Duck Tape (to the Rescue!) and cleaned Him off. Living unstuck again.

How about You? Have You had a Situation where You needed to be bailed Out? Or is It all smooth sailing? I say: Be flexible. Look for any Port in the Storm. Use Your creativity. Very Small Dogs will serve You well. Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#mended-friendships

Nothing is softer or more flexible than water,
yet nothing can resist it
—Lao Tzu

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