My Winter Wonderland
Duff here. My Winter Wonderland has returned in all its Glory. The day before the Snow Storm was Balmy and warm. Trees were getting Their Bright Colors for Fall, almost as if They were readying for a Celebration. Some were Red, while others were Gold and Yellow. Japanese maples were a Deep Burgundy while Aspens were a Bright Shimmering Lemon Color. Then the Breezes picked up and became a Gusting Wind. Mom bundled up in her Winter Attire, for the temperature was Dropping. I, however, Buck like a Bronco when Mom attempts to Put a Jacket or Sweater on Me. Believe Me, it is a Mighty Try. But I have made it Clear: I don’t need any more Padding on Me, thank You. I’m living unstuck.
The following Morning, the World was White. Mom and I could see our Breaths as We went out for the first Go “˜round of the Day. The Trees were loaded with heavy Snow, and those Fat Flakes were falling. They made a splat sound as They hit the Ground, for Their water Content was High. I was delighted. (To reminisce: when we lived in Another Place, I had a Buddy named Luciano Pavarotti. He was The Same size as I was, but all Black. We made a Pair! Black and White streaks in the snow, pouncing and Running.) Living unstuck.
How about You? Do You enjoy the Change in Seasons? If the temperatures drop suddenly, Do You grumble and Complain? Or Take Your Good Time With You and have Some Fun? I recommend: Take the Second Option. You will see the Sunny Side of Life, no matter where You are. Live unstuck. #unstuckliving#winterwonderland#sunnysideoflife
It’s exciting to think that some of the best moments of our lives haven’t even happened yet.