My Secret Identity

Even the tiniest Poodle or Chihuahua is still a wolf at heart.

—Dorothy Hinshaw

Little Toot here. Mom was getting ready for Work. And made the Horrible Mistake of putting Me in My Playpen. Even though I had toys, food, and a place to lie down? Cruel and Unusual Punishment. I protested mightily, as only I could do. My Calls were heartrending, I tell You. Not living unstuck.

Then Mom heard a Strange Noise. Totally different from My usual Repertoire. She cautiously peeked around the corner . . . and there I was. Head thrown back and howling like the Tiny Wolf I am. She ducked back into the Bathroom and chuckled to Herself. The Nerve! I was in dire Straits. After quickly finishing Her makeup, She comforted Me and recognized Me for Who I was. Living unstuck.

I wonder: Do You have a Secret Identity, like Superman or Wonder Woman? Or are You always Clark Kent? I say: Release the Inner You. It paid off well for Me! Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#secret-identity

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