Make Me Feel Important
Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, “Make me feel important.” . . . You will succeed in life.
—Mary Kay Ash

Duff here. I was wondering the other day: What would the World be like if We all treated each other as The Most Important. Can You imagine? And there are so many ways to do That. Truly Listening to what They have to say. Looking at Them as they speak. Being interested in Their Inner Being, Their Heart’s desires. Resonating with the Core of that Other Person and being Receptive to where They are at that Moment? Priceless. Living unstuck.
As a Canine, I make People feel important every day. Since I can’t read (Dogs don’t, You know), I have a Secret Weapon. I have a Sensitivity that surpasses any written Messages. I know when Folks are happy. Or when They’re sad. When they are upset or when They are triumphant. I have a built-in Inner Perception and am aware when I need to be Close. Or give People some Space. That’s living unstuck.
How about You? Do You make people Feel important? Or just pass Them by? I say: Tune-up that Built-In Perception. Take a Moment and revel in Them. Both of You will glow and Shine. Success will be Yours. Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#make-me-feel-important