Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to Me!

—The Duff, Himself

The best part about (My) birthday is that (I) always end up getting good food and great cake.


Duff here. My 14th birthday is almost here! And what a fun-filled Mom has planned for Me. I will get lots of Petting and Pampering. Adventurous walks. Cooing and loving Words. And oh My! The food will be Delicious. I just know It. Pork chops and fajita chicken, hot off the grill. It’s My Special day, after all. Living unstuck.

I know, Dear Reader, that You’re far away. But would You join in the celebration, in any way You choose? Hamburgers. Or Doritos? (My favorite.) Or ice Cream? Or simply send Birthday Wishes to Me on This Post. I’d love It! Truly living unstuck. #unstuck-living#happy-birthday

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