Flexible Creativity

I don’t make mistakes when playing the violin. I make spontaneous creative decisions.


Snoop here. Cousin Letitica was on the Creative Side of the Family Tree. She was a Painter by trade, developing abstracts with Her Glorious Tail. Then pouncing on the Wet canvas with Her delicate Paws. It was a technique borrowed from Jason Pollock of throw-the-paint-at-the-canvas Fame. They were two of a kind, I tell You. Living unstuck.

She was also a creative Musician, excelling in a variety of Instruments. She was self-taught, thoroughly enjoying Noodling in Jazz Bands and the Like. But She also loved to Play Fetch, and was puzzled (then Dismayed) when the Conductor did not toss His Baton Her way. Drat and Doggone! Living unstuck.

How about You? Do You enjoy playing an Instrument? Or are You more content to Fetch a Frisbee or a Stick? I say: Be flexible. Some days, You can Catch the Stick. Others? You have to be content playing with The Group. Truly living unstuck. #unstuck-living#spontaneity

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