Darth Vacuum

Snoop here. I lived a Positive Life. I Met and Greeted Clients at the Office. Took Short walks to check out My Property. Squatted to mark when Someone had the Nerve to intrude on My Territory. Cuddled up to Building Inspectors to earn My Kibble and Bits. Living unstuck.

My Nemesis was the Machine-That-Sucked-Up-Dirt, aka Darth Vacuum. My strategy was to wait until It began Its dreadful Noise. Then sneak up behind It. And Attack. I bit the Vibrating Bag of Dirt good. Could never really get ahold of It, but gave it every Effort. It was a scary Creature. But I felt the Fear and took It on anyway. Living unstuck.

How about You? Have You come across a Fear and felt stumped? Or did You charge On ahead? I say: Pick Your Battles. Some are not worth Your While. But Darth Vacuum was another War altogether. Well worth the time and Energy, and I made Mom laugh. Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#darth-vacuum

Courage is not the absence of fear.
It is the ability to face it, overcome it, and finish your job.

—Roger James Hamilton

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