Courage is Your Ally

Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it.

—Sir Winston Churchill

Duff photoDuff again. What a thought provoking statement. I was considering that very issue the other day. The wind was powerful when I went for my Walk. Some folks even said gusts were up to 45 miles an hour. And you could prove it by me. On the way out, the blasts were against mom and me. But I hunkered down and kept on moving, for I am not one to give up on a challenge. Looking straight ahead, I put one paw in front of the other. (Mom is looking into lead booties for me. This would at least help keep me on the ground, for some of those strong breezes boosted me to the skies. Most disconcerting to my Dignity). But I went ahead and lived unstuck.

Now on the return trip, those breezes moved me right along. I skipped and hopped. I had such fun! But I felt I accomplished much more when I had some resistance. Quite Proud of myself I was. The feeling reminded me of other times where I decided to do something. And I did it. Like the first time I jumped into the car. I was so pleased. I wagged my tail and even did my Infamous Doggy Smile. I lived unstuck.

Do you feel Virtuous after, against all odds, you achieve a Goal? Does a challenge excite you? Or wear you down? I suggest: Stretch your mental muscles. Courage is your ally. Know in your heart you can move through a difficult situation and come out on top. You’ll feel better for it. I do. Live unstuck. #unstuckliving#courage

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