Being Appreciated

Snoop here. I had fun traveling long Distances with Mom and Dad. We had a White Truck that was Roomy and Powerful. Lots of Space for Me to stretch out. I could even Run little circles in the Back Seat. I loved to look out the Window at all the Sights. And bark at Other…

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No Reward

Snoop here. My Doggy Daddy was the best Cook! Everything He made tasted Scrumptious. Delectable. Mouth-watering. If He sampled a dish and It wasn’t to His Liking? He would throw open the Spice Cupboard and imagine the Taste if He would add a Bit of This. Or a lot of That. Wow! Living unstuck. I…

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It’s Labor Day!

—Snoop here. It’s Labor Day! Let’s celebrate the unofficial end of summer with a big send-off. Grilled ribs. Hamburgers with all the Trimmings. And potato Salad. How about Corn on the Cob? Bacon-wrapped Hot Dogs. Sliders. Macaroni salad. Peach cobbler. Living unstuck. One year, My Doggy Daddy was barbecuing hot dogs. They smelled divine. Just…

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My Fashion Sense

Snoop here. Mom always wanted to dress Me in High Fashion. I was a Small Pooch, but She had Big Ideas and Fancy Dreams. I could be Gussied Up in a tutu. I could parade around in a Fancy vest. I could steal the Show with Glamorous Glasses. But She underestimated Me. Living unstuck. One…

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The Olympic Wannabe

Snoop here. Have I told You I always wanted to Compete in the Olympics? Yes, indeed. I worked and developed Muscles I didn’t even know I had. I was focused. I concentrated. I was dedicated. Every day I was out Doing My Thing to move toward That Goal. Living unstuck. I tried a little practice…

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Comforter at Large

Snoop here. My Doggy Parents had to go do Human Things and left Me in a Cushy Dog Kennel for a couple of Days. This Place was the Ritz. The food was Fantastic. The beds were Plush. The Play yard had an obstacle Course. Kind of a Challenge for Me, given My Small Stature. But…

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Halfway Up

Snoop here. I have spent time in Many Different Homes. One was a Traveling Residence with Wheels. Another was a Round House and a Garage. I could run around the Outside perimeter, and get dizzy after a While. Whoop de do! Living unstuck. But one Abode had a Spiral Staircase made of metal. It was…

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