Flexible Creativity

I don’t make mistakes when playing the violin. I make spontaneous creative decisions. —Funwithmusic Snoop here. Cousin Letitica was on the Creative Side of the Family Tree. She was a Painter by trade, developing abstracts with Her Glorious Tail. Then pouncing on the Wet canvas with Her delicate Paws. It was a technique borrowed from…

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Clever Escapes

It is better to be tough than strong, better to be clever than intelligent. —Chris Knight Snoop here. Great Aunt Petunia had Contacts of all Types. She knew where the nearest Butcher was (for a snippet of a bit of Meat.) She knew the UPS and FedEx drivers, for They would take a moment to…

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An open door is a welcome that makes a stranger into a friend. —Almy Salita Snoop here. Welcome to the next Chapter! Some of You may already know Me, but just in case, allow Me to introduce Myself. My name is Snoop Doggy Dog, and I was the Canine Executive Officer before MacDuff. He graciously…

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