Being Appreciated

Snoop here. I had fun traveling long Distances with Mom and Dad. We had a White Truck that was Roomy and Powerful. Lots of Space for Me to stretch out. I could even Run little circles in the Back Seat. I loved to look out the Window at all the Sights. And bark at Other Canines. Living unstuck.

Mom had a Small Bladder, and We made frequent Pit Stops on Our trips. Once I was outside with My Doggy Daddy. She walked past some Truckers in belly-filled Bib Overalls and baseball Caps who were watching Us from the Truck Stop. One said to the Other, ‘I could ride with a little Dog like that.” The other Man agreed. Nice to be appreciated! Living unstuck.

How about You? Do You like to be Admired? Or do You get all Self Conscious? I say: Strut Your Stuff. You only go around Once. If You’re eye candy for Someone else, make Their Heart sing. I did. Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#being-appreciated

A dog is a great companion and riding buddy. They listen, smile, wag their tail, like an adventure, love new sights and they are good as watchdogs.

—Ellie May
Former truck owner

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