Something Tickled Me
Tickles are what power my giggle machine.
—Anthony T. Hincks
Lil' Toot here. Recently, Mom and I were out walking in some Nasty Weather. She bundled Me up in My Gorgeous Blue jacket. Out we went. All was all very well and good until there was a scattered Shower. Something tingled on Me. First, I felt It on My Fuzzy head. Then? It touched My happy Wagging Tail. Oh dear. Not living unstuck.
I swung around to see if Mom was the Culprit. But no. She was calmly waltzing along in Her own Thoughts. Then, I peered out into the Darkness. Yes, We’re still walking at O’ Dark 30. But there was No One nearby. I then realized I was stepping on Small Round White Pebbles. And began to Play. Hail, frozen Rain drops to some, is good! Living unstuck
I wonder: Are You surprised by a Phenomenon of nature? Or do You take It in stride? I say: Be Amazed at the Wonder of It all. As a new Puppy, It’s all a Marvel. But then, I've Discovered Men’s Beards and have never been the Same. Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#tickles