No Reward

Snoop here. My Doggy Daddy was the best Cook! Everything He made tasted Scrumptious. Delectable. Mouth-watering. If He sampled a dish and It wasn’t to His Liking? He would throw open the Spice Cupboard and imagine the Taste if He would add a Bit of This. Or a lot of That. Wow! Living unstuck.

I quickly realized if He was at the Kitchen Sink, I could get close and make Figure 8’s on the floor as fast as I could. I would catch His Eye, and He would lean down and Give Me a taste. Imagine My disappointment when A Worker was putting in a New Sink. Mom came around the Corner to Me furiously doing My Trick. No reward. The Man didn’t even see Me. Besides, there was No Food on the Counter. Just a saw and drill. Sheesh! Living unstuck.

How about You? Have You anticipated a Morsel of something, only to be Frustrated? Or are You always Satisfied? I say: Adjust Your Expectations. Mom took pity on Me and slipped Me a Snack. Think that will Work for You too. Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#No-reward

My dog is not a beggar; she’s a food critic.


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