My Fashion Sense

Snoop here. Mom always wanted to dress Me in High Fashion. I was a Small Pooch, but She had Big Ideas and Fancy Dreams. I could be Gussied Up in a tutu. I could parade around in a Fancy vest. I could steal the Show with Glamorous Glasses. But She underestimated Me. Living unstuck.

One Winter morning She was Cold. We all know when Mom’s cold, Everyone else puts on a Sweater. I was a smooth Coated Toy Fox Terrier, with a minimal Amount of Fur. There I was, loaded down with a Fuzzy Jacket. Sigh. Mom started to chuckle, which did not help Things. I put My Paw down. When We arrived at the Office, I refused to take care of My Business. We drove across the Street to see if another Location would help. Nope. Mom finally got the hint. Off came the Jacket, and I was in Business. Living unstuck.

How about You? Are You Fashion Forward? Or do You balk at overdoing It? I say: Tend to Your Special Mode. Minimalist. Outdoors. Bohemian. Express Yourself! You’ll be glad You did. Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#fashion-sense

Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.

—Rachel Zoe

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