How Do You Celebrate Easter?
Easter is the only time when it’s perfectly safe to put all your eggs in one basket.
—Evan Esar
Duff here. Easter is a special time. A Holy Time of the year. And I revere All it means. Mom has told Me: Chocolate bunnies and eggs have filled the stores. She even saw a Little Mermaid Easter basket. And a Bat Man basket. (Please know, I’m Robin.) What a precious way for Little Ones to celebrate this Sacred Day. Living unstuck.
Each Child has their Own personality when it comes to This Day. That’s true. Mom heard a story of One Girl, who gathered up Her Eggs during the Hunt. Then after The Search for Eggs was Over, proceeded to toss them over Her Shoulder, One by One. She was carefree, Almost as if She was sowing a Field for Spring. Her Cousin followed right Behind Her, checking out the Area for any Other Poachers. She quickly harvested The Discards, carefully placing Them in her Basket. Now, that’s living unstuck.
How do You celebrate Easter? Join Family and Friends? Worship on Your own? Do a bit of Both? I say: Celebrate in the Way that’s Best for You. And if You want to put All Your Eggs in one basket (or even Share them), Do it. Experience the Joy. Happy Easter. Live unstuck. #unstuck-living#Easter