You Are Such a Light
A candle is a small thing. But one candle can light another. And see how its own light increases, as a candle gives its own flame to the other. You are such a light.
—Moshe David
Duff here. Mom and I have many Good Friends who are Jewish. Their Celebration of Lights began yesterday, and We want to honor the Holiday. As the Story goes, a small Quantity of oil, to light The Temple’s Menorah, miraculously lasted for eight days. It’s amazing to Me that There was enough Oil in that vessel to continue burning for that long. A True Miracle! To recognize the Event now, Gifts are exchanged and parties Thrown for that Length of Time. My goodness. Now that’s really Living Unstuck.
On another Note, a Friend of Ours who is Jewish holds a Special Place in My Heart. He took it upon Himself to help Socialize Me when I was Younger. He had Many Dogs. And He thought I might be lonely, for I am a Single Canine. (There’s just One Four-Legged in Our home.) He thought perhaps His dogs could Light the candle of Friendship. Mom dropped Me off at His Place, and He gently introduced His Pups to Me. Alas, I am a Shy Dog. I was having none of that and immediately scooted under the Steps of the Porch — no unstuck living that day for me.
Do You have Friends who are Jewish? I say: Celebrate the Occasion and wish Them A happy Hanukkah or Hanukkah Sameakh. They will appreciate Your Thoughtfulness and may even Share the History of that Time with You. (Maybe even some latkes . . .) My Friend did that with Mom and Me, and We have long treasured that Memory. Light the Candle. Happy Hanukkah! #unstuck-living#happy-hanukkah