The Mighty Hunter
Lil’ Toot here. Uncle Bowser comes from the Hound Branch of the Family Tree and is a Mighty Hunter. He has tracked Racoons. Possums. Turkeys. Quail. But He is easily distracted by Squirrels. Their big Fluffy tails and scolding Chit-chat entrance Him, and off He goes. Living unstuck.
His Master is not that Keen on This Particular Hunt, often making Useless attempts to halt Progress. This action simply aggravates My Uncle, who is single-Minded in His pursuit. That He has not Once caught even One of these Critters is of No Matter. He still pushes for some Support from Those involved. Over and over again. Living unstuck.
I wonder: Do You get Assistance when You begin a Quest? Or are You surrounded by Nay Sayers? I say: Power on. It’s Your Hunt. Follow that Dream. I’ve got you. Living unstuck.
PS: I’m so little I can’t muscle Mom anywhere. Sheesh! Lil’ Toot
In every season, hunting with dad brings new discoveries and deeper bonds.
—Unknown, Sportsmen’s Digest