The Correct Way

Dogs have masters. Cats have staff.
But I think my dog has a union.


Snoop here. I’ll admit it. I was spoiled throughout My Life. I weighed all of about Five Pounds. Being height Impaired, it was often easier to pick Me up and carry Me than to have Me Walk. Fine with Me, for I got a Better View of the world. Ankles and the Bottom of Jeans could get boring after a time. Living unstuck.

When It came to Napping, I loved to be Covered Up with a Blanket. I had a Short Coat and not much Fur. So much more Cozy to be Under something Warmish. If Mom didn’t put the Fleece over Me the Correct Way? I’d slide out, and nose Myself under Once again. The right way . . . Ah, luxury! And This Activity amused Mom to No end. You should have seen It! Living unstuck.

How about You? Do You Know the Right Way to Cover Your Critter? Or do You just let Them be? I say: Keep trying until You get It right. I trained Mom, and I suspect You’re trainable too. That’s living unstuck. #unstuck-living#correct-way

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