
Yay! Homework! – no student ever.

—The Type Set Co.

Snoop here. Uncle Casper was a superb Canine. He did so much that was Good and Kind. He greeted His Master at the Door. He let the Grandkids pull His Ears. His Tail. He gave Them rides on His Back. They Could play fetch with Him all afternoon. What fun They had! Living unstuck.

But the day came when Casper decided the only way He could get more Wisdom would be to Internalize It. Yup. He ate the Grandson’s Homework. That Fellow was beside Himself, for He knew No One would believe that old Excuse of My dog ate . . . (Casper thought it so funny.) Living unstuck.

How about You? Have You been unprepared in a Situation and had to make an excuse? Or are You always ready? I say: Strive for the Readiness Angle. You won’t have to stress and be Creative for the Ultimate Excuse. Casper would agree. Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#Homework-excuse

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