Comforter at Large

Snoop here. My Doggy Parents had to go do Human Things and left Me in a Cushy Dog Kennel for a couple of Days. This Place was the Ritz. The food was Fantastic. The beds were Plush. The Play yard had an obstacle Course. Kind of a Challenge for Me, given My Small Stature. But I had a Great Time anyway. Living unstuck.

When Mom returned to pick Me up, I was not in My Designated Place. My Name was there, but the Space was empty. The Kennel Worker blushed bright red as She explained My Role. It seems that when a New Canine was upset about coming in, The Worker took Me to Them. We talked in Canine, and They settled right down. I had that Effect on both People and Pooches. Living unstuck.

How about You? Do You have the ability to Calm Others? Or do You Stir Things up? I say: There’s a Gift in both Skills. Because of My Size, I tended toward the gentler Avenue. Keep an open Mind though, for It’s fun to create a little Mayhem too. Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#comforting-others

Did you know that there are over 300 words for love in canine?

—Gabrielle Zevon

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