Something Tickled Me
Tickles are what power my giggle machine. —Anthony T. Hincks Lil’ Toot here. Recently, Mom and I were out walking in some Nasty Weather. She bundled Me up in My Gorgeous Blue jacket. Out we went. All was all very well and good until there was a scattered Shower. Something tingled on Me. First, I…
Read MoreBlast of Snow
I could probably head back inside, but why would I? —Pinterest Lil’ Toot here. I am a Curious Little Man and revel in Adventuring. This morning, I smelled a pungent odor coming from the culvert. Mom had to pull Me away from My friend, Ms. Skunk. But . . . Mom! Living unstuck. Last week,…
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Dogs are the four-legged superheroes who teach us that love, loyalty, and a good game of fetch can solve anything. —Pawsome Prints by Lila & Milo Lil’ Toot here. Up to a point, Great Uncle Griego loved to play Fetch. He was prepared to bring Back Anything. But when his Master tossed the Stick into…
Read MoreTime to Romp
I’ll just keep staring at you until you do the thing I want. —Pinterest Lil’ Toot here. Cousin Mabel was a Kind and Gentle Soul. She also loved to Play. Any time, at any place. One of Her fav Toys was Lamb Chop. With Lambie’s white fluffy fur, It was easy to take Those Ears…
Read MoreWanna Play?
Some days are simply meant for playing. —Maty.Ann.Radmacher Lil’ Toot here. Being a Puppy is Pure Delight . . . all the Time. I play. I eat. I Sleep and Nap. Repeat. I go Walka Walka (Mom’s term.) I cuddle with My Clients. I have Two Sets of Toys, One at Home and the Other…
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When’s the last time you were on a swing and laughed uncontrollably when you went so high your stomach flipped? Or were on a roller coaster and heard the sound of the last clack at the top of the hill before you felt the weightlessness of that first swoop downwards? Or did something crazy and…
Read MoreA Doggie Burrito
Duff here. As You know. I love My Winter Playground. So different from Fall. And Spring. And Summer. The Chill in the Air makes Me grateful for My Lovely Coat. It serves to Keep Me warm. I feel sorry for Mom, Pulling on Vests, jackets, Her Hoodie. Then there’s the Hat and Muffler. I come…
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