A Mischievous Reminder

Snoop here. We were adventuring in a Fifth Wheel for a time. I got to meet oh-so-many Canines! Some were very Large, but on the whole, quite Accommodating. Only One thought I was either a Huge Mouse or a Play Toy. Sheesh! Mom snatched Me up in a Heartbeat, and We made Friends from Arm’s Length. Of course, I romped and played with Smallish Dogs . . . a lot. Living unstuck.

One morning Mom and Dad were packing the Rig to move from One Town to Another. The process was quite Elaborate. The lamps went here, while the Blankets went there. The Routine was going like Clockwork. But I began to worry. What if They got so Focused on Packing that They forgot Snoop? Aha! I solved the problem by Mischievously Sitting in Mom’s Purse. (She never went anywhere without It.) Living unstuck.

How about You? Are You worried about being forgotten? Or are You confident in Yourself? I say: Remind Yourself how Special and Important You are. You will never be forgotten. If all else fails? Sit in the way. Works every time. Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#reminder

My pranks have never been about getting a negative reaction. They’ve always been a tolerance test for the person I’m engaging with.

—Kayan Novak

Amen to that.

—Snoop and The Duff

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