Champion Shredder
Lil’ Toot here. Mom has this Shredding Gizmo. It makes a horrendous Noise when She puts pieces of paper in It, making that Important Report into Confetti. It doesn’t take much Time to Tatter a Document and seems to be Convenient for Her. Living unstuck.
I don’t know why She bothers. I am the Champion Paper Shredder of all Time. A paper towel drifting toward the Floor? It’s Mine. Paper placed under a Desk for future filing? History. I can rip and Tear like the Famed Tasmanian Devil Himself, leaving a flurry of Pieces in My Wake. That’s Living stuck.
I wonder: Do You accidentally do This when Opening Shipping Packages? Or are You neat and Orderly? I say: Be messy and leave it for a Time. You’ll have Fun remembering What came In by seeing the Chaos. And also think of My Expertise. Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#shredding-puppy
Paper towel shredding: the ultimate puppy pastime, where boredom meets pure joy.