To Accomplish and To Mend

Today I close the door to the past.
Open the door to the future.
Take a deep breath and step through to start
the next chapter of my life.

—Louise Hay

Snoop here. Yesterday marked the beginning of the Jewish New Year. A story goes that A rabbi was walking later at night and passed a Shoemaker’s Shop. The Man was still working, with the light of a single candle. The Rabbi asked why He continued to labor so hard. The Man replied, “As long as the candle is still burning, it is still possible to accomplish and to mend.” Living unstuck.

Rosh Hashanah began yesterday. I was told by a Good Friend this is the time of new Beginnings. You may have a Big Dream of something new. Or a small Change You’d like to make. This is the time to Begin Again and revel in the Fruits of Your Labor. Truly living unstuck.

How about You? Are You ready to consider Starting to accomplish and Mend? Or are You satisfied with the Status Quo? I say: It’s time for New. Something different. Be It a change in Attitude or a Big Project, I’m behind You 100%. Happy Rosh Hashanah to My Jewish Friends! Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#rosh-hashanah

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