Thunderstorms: Take 2

Duff here. Last week, as I was slumbering deeply, a Thunderstorm snuck up on Me. As is My pattern, I slowly got Up. (Just in case the Booming Sound would detect My movements.) I slinked over to Mom. She was sound asleep. So I carefully put My Paws on the Side of the Bed. And Panted in Her Face. She immediately snapped to, and asked What was going on. In response? A big Boom of Thunder rolled across Our Place. “Told You!” I said. “It’s come back to get Me.” Not living unstuck.

She gathered Me up, and went to the Sofa. She heard Thunder Shirts were good for Dogs fearful of those Loud Bangs. So, She wrapped Me in a bath Towel. (I called It a pseudo-Comfort shirt.) But I was having none of It. I shivered and Shook. I wiggled out of My Confinement, asking for Her to just make It stop. After a few minutes, the sounds grew quieter. And further away. Mom had Her hand on My back, and all was well. I was sound asleep again. And Mom? Up for a couple of hours . . . just in case I think. That’s Loving Protection. Living unstuck.

How about You? Do You get shaky and Scared during a Storm? Or do You watch Mother Nature create Her Wonders? I say: If You do get Scared, look for a Friend and huddle together. If You’re all alone? Find a Safe, Cozy spot and snuggle In. This too will pass. (Yes, it’s true!) Living unstuck. #unstuck-living#comfort-and-safety

If I’m silent it’s because there’s thunder inside me. Or I’m just chilling. May the odds be in your favor.


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