A Devilish Escape

If you don’t listen, you’ve gotta feel (and learn).

—Pam Heskett’s Grandma

Snoop here. My Doggy Mom and Dad were rummaging about in the Storage Unit. They discovered Amazing Treasures. Old albums. A spare set of Sheets. Mom’s bike Helmet. Boxes of Books. Exotic lamps and tables. What fun . . . for Them. Living unstuck.

But I got bored. When Mom had disappeared into the Shed, I took off to visit the Cute Little Pup across the Field. When She started to look for Me, Her Fishwife’s Voice came out loud and Strong as She called. I didn’t listen. Suddenly, She saw Me, a Wee White Dog with Black ears, dancing and Playing on a distant Porch. Such a devilish escape. Didn’t know Mom had it in Her to run that fast to pick Me up. She was definitely living unstuck.

How about You? Have you lost something precious to You, and were relieved to find It? Or are you totally Organized? I say: Plan for Order, but be Prepared for the Unexpected. Someone may wander off . . . They’re living unstuck. #unstuck-living#devilish-escape

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